Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Okay, so here's a good batch of pictures. But first, a few observations:

1. There's no ice in Italy. I will never understand this.
2. Italian pizza sucks. I will never understand this.
3. Pineapple gelato is amazing.
4. Only Italy can make a rotting building seem "quaint."

So, here's some pictures...

Here's a view of San Marco

More San Marco

Closer San Marco

Pigeons. As if that weren't clear.

Sweet fish market in some "ruins."

Some cephalids covered in their ink.


Really cool fish.

Swordfish. You don't get a good sense of size here, but this thing was immense.

Okay, the internet in my dorm is back up. Hopefully I'll make a good post with some cool pictures tonight. But until then...

Yesterday was mostly class and running around getting books and studying. I have about 500 pages of reading per class for Economics and Psychology, so I'm hoping that my other class will balance this out. Ufortunately, less studying got done than should have, so tonight will have to be a marathon session. Speaking of class, I have it in ten minutes. After that some of us are going to Lido for a few hours. Lido is a famous beach where they hold a film festival every september that is well attended by Hollywood types. In June, it's just a nice beach. After that it's back to Venice and studying. This weekend we're going to Padua for their "white party." It's essentially an all-night party where they keep the shops open, you guessed it, all night. One of the Italian students who is from Padua is taking us. In additional news, it's come to my attention that everyone else in the program is a spoiled rich kid, but more on that later.

In closing, I'll leave you with this...

This would be better if it were a real flag, but what are you gonna do? Let's hope this bullshit flag desecration amendment fails.

Okay, the internet in my dorm is back up. Hopefully I'll make a good post with some cool pictures tonight. But until then...

Yesterday was mostly class and running around getting books and studying. I have about 500 pages of reading per class for Economics and Psychology, so I'm hoping that my other class will balance this out. Ufortunately, less studying got done than should have, so tonight will have to be a marathon session. Speaking of class, I have it in ten minutes. After that some of us are going to Lido for a few hours. Lido is a famous beach where they hold a film festival every september that is well attended by Hollywood types. In June, it's just a nice beach. After that it's back to Venice and studying. This weekend we're going to Padua for their "white party." It's essentially an all-night party where they keep the shops open, you guessed it, all night. One of the Italian students who is from Padua is taking us. In additional news, it's come to my attention that everyone else in the program is a spoiled rich kid, but more on that later.

In closing, I'll leave you with this...

This would be better if it were a real flag, but what are you gonna do? Let's hope this bullshit flag desecration amendment fails.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

So, I am posting again. Sadly, the internet in the dorm is down, so I have to use the library, which is beautiful. Unfortunately, I can't post a picture of it from here.

So, I've spent the past few days setting up classes and getting better acquainted with Venice. I can navigate without a map fairly well. I shopped one class yesterday and have another in about an hour.

Yesterday I also had the first session of my Italian crash course. After Italian, some of us headed off to a bar to meet with some Italian students to watch the Italy/Australia game. However, a few of us decided to head back to the dorms after a little while. I ended up falling asleep early last night and got woken up by my roommate at about 4 am. I wasn't tired after that, so I got up early and had breakfast with Kerry, a grad student in the program. After that I headed off to walk around the city.

Piazzale San Marco is increadible. I walked around there, looked in some shops, and crossed the grand canal a few times. I wound up at a fish market. I have some cool pictures of that.

Okay, I have to run as I need to go purchase a notebook and then get to class. I'm going to try to make subsequent entries less matter of fact and more interesting.


Sunday, June 25, 2006

Okay, it's almost impossible for me to load up pictures because my internet connection is so slow, but here are a few:

This was my first view of a Venetian canal.

Piazalle Roma. Not that pretty.

Some hotel. I was just sort of snapping photos at this point.

More canal.

Yet more canal.

Hopefully I'll be able to update with better pictures soon.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Phew. I finally have an opportunity to update.

So, yesterday I arrived at the Venician airport, shockingly with all my bags. I hopped on a bus to take me into the city, then jumped onto one of the boat's that make up Venice's public transportatoin system.

Once I neared my dorm on the island of Guidecca, I met up with a girl named Anna, and proceeded to check in. My room is awesome. The bathroom is beautiful, and it has a great view. The dorm I'm staying in is beautiful and spacious, it has a great social vibe to it.

I didn't sleep at all on the plane, so I was pretty beat by this point (12 hour trip + six hour time difference = my internal clock being fucked up). So, I slept for a good four or five hours and woke up around eight. I went for a walk along Guidecca's main canal. Then I went and got a sandwhich from one of the bar's that line the waterfront and headed back to the dorm. Then I met up with Anna and Jason and few other people and we went out to a bar for a few hours. This city is an oenophile's dream. You can buy a decent bottle of wine for .70 euros. Alternately, you can fill up a liter jug for 1 euro. Of course, there are more expensive, better options available.

After that we headed back and I tucked in for the night. This morning we woke up at a reasonable hour to go to a reception at Ca' Foscari. The reception was very nice, we heard an excellent lecture on byzantine history and were treated to three pieces from two of Venice's premier musicians. Additionally, it was Dean Kirby's last official appearance as a Harvard representative. The school buildings are increadible. The offices are housed in a 15th century palace. Unfortunately, the heat was really getting to me in the lecture. The day was hot, but inside it was considerably hotter. I drank a few bottles of water, but after we left to head out to a lunch reception, I ended up throwing up quite a few times outside of the building. I was feeling a little better, and headed off to the reception. The food was fantasic. The best fruit that I have ever eaten. Wine, fresh juice. Great Italian meals that I am incapable of naming. I was pretty blown away. We mingled for a while and met several of the Italian students we'll be studying alongside this summer. I made several trips to the bathroom as I was starting to feel very sick again.

After a while we left to visit the summer school buildings. There I threw up until I dry-heaved, which wasn't that pleasant. As I wasn't feeling that well, I decided that going on the walking tour of the city that we were about to embark on wouldn't be the best idea, so I elected to stay in the air-conditioned office until I felt better and then head back to the dorm. After a while I was feeling pretty good, so I decided to walk up to the piazzalle Roma and get my student card, which would give me free transport (we need to take a boat between Guidecca and our classes, so without this travel would get very expensive). However, I was feeling even worse than before and decided to lay down on a bench for a while. After a bit, I threw up once again, although all that was in my stomach was water. It took me a few hours to collect everything I needed from various offices, but finally I had my card. I bought a gatorade in a grocery store in the hopes that that would stay down, and then boarded the boat back to Guidecca. When I finally got back, I ended up laying down in the bathroom to escape the heat. I just ate a candy bar and managed to keep that down, so hopefully I'm over whatever was bothering me, whether it was heat-stroke or food not soaked in preservatives. I still feel sick though, so I think I'm going to stay in tonight.

That's pretty much it at this point. The city is fantastic. I am extremely happy that I did this. I've been here for a few days and already I don't want to leave. Although let me say that it is hot here in a way that I have never experienced. It isn't just hot, it's smothering. It's nighttime right now, and it is barely cooler than the day. Hopefully I'll have some pictures up later tonight (afternoon for you, we're 6 hours ahead of Atlantic time). I'll update with those later tonight.

Gratzi, Ciao

Thursday, June 22, 2006

So, it's very late the night before I leave for Venice. Tomorrow I'm going to head in to Boston, pick up a few things at my grandmother's and then sit down in Logan and wait.

Tonight I saw An Inconvenient Truth. Al Gore has gained some charisma and pathos. The film was good; well structured and paced. He makes a persuasive case, and clearly decided to specifically address points of public contention in the global warming "debate."

After that I went to the Goldstein's to play some poker. What a game. Just brutal. I placed second out of six in the tournament (1st and 2nd win money) but Dom and I had decided to split wins/losses prior to the game, so I wound up down for the night as he didn't place. I made a few bad calls, and got sucked out a few times, so I was lucky to place at all.

So, I'm starting to get slightly excited about Venice. I'm sure that this will be a fantastic experience: the food, the architecture, the history, the culture, the romance, the food. Being able to drink and gamble legally doesn't hurt either. By day I'll study and by night I'll sip wine in bars that Hemingway used to frequent. I'll read literature by the canals and ponder with incredulity the immense hydrolic dam system that the city plans to install to save itself from rising ocean levels (global warming tie-in).

I'm trying to plan out what I should read on the plane. So far, I've tried to keep it Italy related; I've dug out The Purgatorio, The Paradiso, The Prince, and The Aeneid. I've been meaning to read all of them. Now seems like a decent time.

What will tomorrow bring? Only time will tell...

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Here is a pictorial depiction of my world, pre-Venice:

Will Venice differ? Only time will tell...

Monday, June 19, 2006

Monday Night

It's monday night. Thursday afternoon I'll be leaving for Venizia. What adventures await me? Only time will tell...